Fat Dissolvers – Do they work?

At Refine Clinic, fat dissolver injection treatments are becoming increasingly popular.Ultimately, there are very good reasons for this. For many, no amount of clean eating, HIIT workouts, resistance training or abstinence from treats will move stubborn areas of fat. Incidentally, these stubborn areas can [...]

Look Younger with Anti-Wrinkle Treatments

What are Anti-Wrinkle Injections? Anti-Wrinkle Injections are a quick, simple, and effective treatment for fine lines and wrinkles, which is great for those of us who struggle to find time to breathe some days.  And another positive is that because you don’t need [...]

Estrogen and Women’s Emotions

Estrogen and Women's Emotions Estrogen is closely linked with women's emotional well-being. Depression and anxiety affect women in their estrogen-producing years more often than men or postmenopausal women. Estrogen is also linked to mood disruptions that occur only in women - premenstrual syndrome, premenstrual [...]

What Is Diabetes

So, what is Diabetes? The term ‘diabetes’ means excessive urination and the word ‘Mellitus’ means honey. Diabetes can be a lifelong condition and is caused by a lack of, or insufficiency of insulin. Insulin is the hormone that converts sugar, starches, and other foods [...]

By |2023-03-30T16:28:50+01:00January 27th, 2020|Food & Diet, General Health, General Practice, Uncategorised|

Men’s Health Through The Decades

Men's Health Through the Decades It is important to stay on top of men's health. Your body is going to change through your life, and by following simple steps you can live longer and enjoy your life for longer. Your body won't thank you [...]

Cold Water Immersion Therapy

What is Cold Water Immersion Therapy? Better known as “Ice Baths” or “Plunge Pools”, Cold Water Immersion Therapy is a process that involves immersing the body into ice cold water for a limited time. Cold water immersion activates the body’s natural healing powers that [...]